Simon Lohet, Surviving organ works
Simon Lohet (Loxhay) (c. 1550 – 1611) was a Flemish composer, possibly born in Maastricht. All of Lohet’s known works are contained in Johann Woltz’s Nova musices organicae tabulatura (Basel, 1617). The bulk of his small surviving output consists of twenty keyboard fugues, which are also his most historically important works. Bringing these fugues and the rest of Lohet’s known output together in one edition, hopefully contributes to a better and wider understanding of the historical importance of Lohet’s work.
A pdf is available below. A printed copy can be ordered at in a both a colour (more expensive) and a black and white (cheaper) version. The costs are the costs of lulu, there is no profit in it for me.
Lohet, Surviving organ works
Audio pre’view’ (1)
Views: 57
Have You a midi file “De tout mon coeur”? I wolud like version without pedal parts. Four part in two systems.
This page is great Bro! Thank You 😉
I only have a midi file generated by Lilypond. But if you want that you can download it here:
Nice ;-). Big thanks Bro 😉