Sorge, Georg Andreas

Neumeister Choräle, not by J.S. Bach, Part II

Posted on Jun 24th, 2019

Johann Gottfried Neumeister (1757 - 1840) was a German teacher and organist. Nowadays Neumeister would have been forgotten if it wasn't for the…

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Georg Andreas Sorge (?), Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (Emans 25)

Posted on Apr 29th, 2018

Reinmar Emans made a list (around 1997) of chorale preludes that could possibly have been written by Johann Sebastian Bach. The list contains 198…

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Georg Andreas Sorge (?), Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit (Emans 127)

Posted on Apr 20th, 2018

Reinmar Emans made a list (around 1997) of chorale preludes that could possibly have been written by Johann Sebastian Bach. The list contains 198…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (reconstruction)

Posted on Feb 13th, 2022

After my (in my opinion) succesful restoration of an incomplete choral prelude by Georg Andreas Sorge (see here and here I wanted to try another…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Auf Christenmensch

Posted on Oct 10th, 2018

Georg Neumeister did not only chose works from Bach family members and their contemporaries Like Zachow and Erich, he also included several preludes…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Ein Lämmlein geht

Posted on Sep 8th, 2018

"Ein Lämmelin geht" is a Lutheran hymn for Passiontide, often sung on the melody of "An Wasserflüssen Babylon". Sorge wrote a prelude that captures…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Erstanden ist der heilig Christ

Posted on Feb 10th, 2019

Sorge's prelude to "Erstanden ist der heilig Christ is not as exuberant as his prelude to "Heut triumphiret Gottes Sohn" I uploaded two days ago. One…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele

Posted on Nov 12th, 2018

The Neumeister Sammlung contains 5 chorale preludes written by Georg Andreas Sorge, Neumeister’s teacher at the organ. This is the fifth and last…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Fröhlich soll mein Herzen springen.

Posted on Dec 25th, 2017

"Fröhlich soll mein Herzen springen" is a choral that is sung on the first day of Christmas. Sorge wrote a festive prelude for this choral melody.…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Gottes Sohn ist kommen

Posted on Dec 15th, 2017

Georg Andreas Sorge (1703 - 1778) was a German organist, composer, and, most notably, theorist. Sorge's first professional appointment was at the age…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Helft mir Gottes Güte preisen

Posted on Jan 4th, 2018

Sorge's prelude to "Helft mir Gottes Güte preisen" is again proof of the notion that Sorge was inspired by the tonality of g minor. The piece has a…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Herr Jesu Christ du höchstes Gut

Posted on Nov 8th, 2018

The Neumeister Sammlung contains 5 chorale preludes written by Georg Andreas Sorge, Neumeister’s teacher at the organ. This is the fourth of them.…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Herr Jesu Christ, mein Lebenslicht

Posted on Feb 12th, 2018

Sorge's choral prelude to "Herr Jesu Christ, mein Lebenslicht" is again a charming piece. The introduction has two voices on the accompanying manual.…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Heut triumphiret Gottes Sohn

Posted on Feb 8th, 2019

Sorge's prelude to "Heut triumphiret Gottes Sohn" has an introduction with two voices plus a bass voice. When the choral melody enters, the…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Ist dieser nicht des Menschen Sohn?

Posted on Oct 7th, 2018

Sorge's prelude to "Ist dieser nicht der Menschen Sohn" feels a bit stiff and uninsprired. Sorge's compositions are mostly elegantly flowing pieces,…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Jesu meines Lebens Leben

Posted on Oct 7th, 2018

Where Sorge's prelude to "Ist dieser nicht des Menschen Sohn" is a bit bland and uninspired, his prelude to "Jesu meines Lebens Leben" is far more…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Jesum lieb ich ewiglich

Posted on Feb 18th, 2019

In his prelude to "Jesum lieb ich ewiglich" Sorge employs the technique of the canon. Each phrase of the chorale melody is canonically answered in…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Jesus meine Zuversicht

Posted on Feb 15th, 2019

Sorge's prelude to "Jesus, meine Zuversicht" is another fine example of Sorge's fine way of using a trio like texture to create a chorale prelude.…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott

Posted on Apr 9th, 2018

Manuscript Mus Ms 30376 (Staatsbibliothek Berlin) contains 4 chorale prelude that were certainly written by Sorge and 2 that were probably/possibly…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott (alio modo)

Posted on Apr 10th, 2018

Sorge's second chorale prelude to "Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott" from manuscript Mus Ms 30376 (Staatsbibliothek Berlin) shows him from another…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Lob sei den allmächtigen Gott

Posted on Dec 22nd, 2017

Another nice choral prelude by Sorge. The left hand and the feet play the accompaniment for the choral melody in the right hand. The accompaniment is…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Nun freut euch lieben Christen g’mein (reconstruction)

Posted on Feb 21st, 2022

After my reconstructions of Sorge's choral preludes to the chorals "O Herre Gott, dein Göttlich Wort" and "Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr" I…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Nun lasst uns gehen

Posted on Feb 8th, 2018

Sorge's prelude to "Nun lasst uns gehen" follows the pattern of the preceding ones: one manual for the accompaniment and one manual for the choral…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, O Herre Gott, dein Göttlich Wort (reconstruction)

Posted on Feb 10th, 2022

A few years ago I transcribed a manuscript containing some 20 plus chorale preludes composed by Georg Andreas Sorge. No less than five of them are…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Seelen Bräutigam

Posted on Feb 26th, 2019

Sorge's prelude to "Seelen Bräutigam" is the last complete prelude in manuscript Go S 597. The manuscripts contains 5 more chorale preludes but…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Trio IX (completed)

Posted on Jun 9th, 2019

Georg Andreas Sorge (1703 - 1778) wrote eleven Trios for organ. Or perhaps he wrote more, but eleven of them survived in manuscript form till today.…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Vater unser im Himmelreich

Posted on Apr 14th, 2018

The Neumeister Sammlung contains 5 chorale preludes written by Georg Andreas Sorge, Neumeister's teacher at the organ. The five pieces by Sorge were…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Von Adam her so lange Zeit

Posted on Dec 20th, 2017

Sorge wrote a very nice chorale prelude on this melody. The left hand and pedals provide a lively accompaniment to the choral melody, that is played…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Wenn meine Sünd mich kränken

Posted on Feb 5th, 2019

Sorge's prelude to "Wenn meine Sünd mich kränken" is one of the 20 or something preludes by Sorge contained in manuscript Go.S. 597. Sorge's…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Wir Christenleut

Posted on Dec 24th, 2017

The tonality of g minor seems to have been very inspirational to Sorge. Not only does he use it often (3 times in the first 6 choral preludes from…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Wir glauben all’ an einen Gott (Emans 193)

Posted on Apr 24th, 2018

Another work by Sorge that appears in manuscript Mus ms 30376. It has again Sorge's favorite trio-like form. Or perhaps it is better to say that is…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Wir glauben all’ an einen Gott, alio modo (Emans 194)

Posted on May 1st, 2018

Sorge's second prelude to "Wit glauben all' an einen Gott" is more an intonation than a full prelude. It is relatively short and mostly in only three…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält

Posted on Nov 7th, 2018

The Neumeister Sammlung contains 5 chorale preludes written by Georg Andreas Sorge, Neumeister’s teacher at the organ. The five pieces by Sorge…

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Georg Andreas Sorge, Zeuch ein zu deinen Toren

Posted on Feb 21st, 2019

Sorge's prelude to "Zeuch ein zu deinen Toren" is in his by now familiar style of trio like introduction, and trio like treatment of the chorale…

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