Christian Gotthilf Tag, Aus meinen Herzens Grunde
In Tag's prelude to the choral "Aus meinen Herzens Grunde" the choral melody is played with the left hand. The right hand and, when not playing the…

Christian Gotthilf Tag, Befiehl du deine Wege
It's already more than a year ago I published something from Christian Gotthilf Tag. And there are a few more of his compositions available in…

Christian Gotthilf Tag, Gott Vater sende deine Geist
In his prelueㅇe to the melody of "Gott Vater sende deine Geist" (which is the same melody as "Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn") Tag writes…

Christian Gotthilf Tag, Herr ich habe misgehandelt
The prelude to the choral "Herr, ich habe misgehandelt" is another beautiful organ composition by Christian Gotthil Tag. I keep wondering why the…

Christian Gotthilf Tag, Ich weiß daß mein Erlöser lebt
Tag's prelude tot the choral "Ich weiß daß mein Erlöser lebt" is again a nice composition. Tag writes an almost frivolous accompaniment with many…

Christian Gotthilf Tag, Lobe den Herren
Tag's prelude to the chorale "Lobe den Herren" has the same construction as his prelude to "Wir Christenleut (see here: Christian Gotthilf Tag, Wir…

Christian Gotthilf Tag, Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht
[I published this piece three weeks ago; it was however not yet backed up when I needed to restore the website's database this weekend. So, here it…

Christian Gotthilf Tag, Nun freut euch lieben Christen g’mein
Manuscript Becker III.8.66, held by the Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden, contains 5 choral preludes…

Christian Gotthilf Tag, Trio in Es Dur
Where in his choral preludes Tag adaopts the style of the Baroque in his writings, in his free organ works he tends te lean more towards the…

Christian Gotthilf Tag, Wach auf mein Herz und singe
When you listen to Tag's choral prelude to "Wach auf mein Herz und Singe" you can not but wonder whether he and Johann Christoph Oley knew each…

Christian Gotthilf Tag, Was alle Weisheit
Tag's prelude to the chorale "Was alle Weisheit" (on the melody of "Christ unser Herr, zum Joran kam") is a beautiful, longwinded composition. Though…

Christian Gotthilf Tag, Was Got tuth das ist wohlgetan
Christian Gotthilf Tag (1735 - 1811) was a German Kantor and composer. On the age of twenty he became Kantor and schoolteacher in…

Christian Gotthilf Tag, Wir Christenleut
Christian Gotthilf Tag is one of those composers that nowadays is largely forgotten, yet whose music is qctually quite good and sometimes quite…

Christian Gotthilf Tag, Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält
It is one and a half years ago since I last published a composition by Christian Gotthilf Tag (see here: Christian Gotthilf Tag, Meinen Jesum lass…
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