Wilhelm Karges, Capricio
The last Capricio from manuscript Am.B. 340 shows the characteristics of one of the Caprici Karges based on the compositions of Francois Roberday. I’m however unfamiliar withan original by Roberday’s hand on which this composition could be based. It is possible that Karges knew compositions by Roberday that are now lost. Another possibility is that Karges composed this one himself.
Whoever the author is, it is a nice composition. The two movements are based on very similar themes, with the second theme being a variation in ternary rythm of the first theme.
The recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradisi, of the Hinsz organ in the Reformed church in the Midwolda (http://www.sonusparadisi.cz/en/organs/netherlands/midwolda-surround-sample-set.html).
Karges, Capricio
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