Heinrich Scheidemann, Praeludium, e moll
The Lynar manuscripts were preserved in the holdings of the Duke of Lynar in Lübbenau, and are therefore also known as the Lübbenauer Orgeltabulaturen. Two of them, large codices in staff notation, bear the designation Lynar A1 and A2. The eleven disparate fascicles in German organ tablature bear the designation B1 to B11. The B-collection represents the most comprehensive source of works by North German composers who were students of Sweelinck. Lynar B3 contains 38 pieces, 11 of which can be assigned to specific composers: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Heinrich Scheidemann, David Abel, Andreas and Martin Düben, Petrus Hasse, and Simon Lohet. The composer(s) of the other pieces remain(s) anonymous. Three of the pieces of the pieces in Lynar B3 are incomplete. It is my intention to transcribe the 35 complete works from this manuscript, even the works from well known composers that are already quite well available elsewhere. I think it can be interesting to get to know the content of this manuscript as a whole, and not only the works of known composers, or the anonymous works.
The first complete work in this collection is a prelude by Heinrich Scheidemann, the prelude in e moll, WV 38. It is a short work, that, when tightly spaced, fits on one page. For those of us who want a more spacious lay-out I amde a two page version.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Bader-organ in the Walburgiskerk in Zutphen by Sonus Paradisi for Hauptwerk.
Scheidemann, Præludium e (two pages)
Scheidemann, Præludium e, (1 page)
Scheidemann, Praeludium, e moll
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3 Responses
[…] an introduction to the Lynar B3 manuscript, see here. Though the name of the composer of most of the preludia is not known, they all follow more or less […]
[…] an introduction to the Lynar B3 manuscript, see here. The second complete anonymous piece in the Lynar B3 manuscript is a prelude in G. Short as it is, […]
[…] an introduction to the Lynar B3 manuscript, see here. The prelude has again no indication of a composer in the manuscript. Short as it is, it is a well […]