Choral preludes from Mus. Ms. 30439
Manuscript Mus. Ms. 30439 owned by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin is an interesting manuscript. It contains five different fascicles, some reasonably…

Andreas Nicolaus Vetter (?), Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g’mein, Emans 137
It is a fact that people like to have a name of the creator to go with a piece of art. Pieces that cannot be attributed to a person, are somehow less…

Anonymous, Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein
These anonymous compositions contained in the manuscript with the designation "KN 209", owned bij the Ratsbücherei, Lüneburg, are largely…

Anonymus (Johann Heinrich Buttstett?), Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gemein
The Frankenberg manuscript, held by the Nederlands Muziekinstituut, is a rich source of choral preludes from both named and unnamed composers. This…

Anonymus (Johann Heinrich Buttstett?), Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
The Frankenberg manuscript does not attribute a composer to this chorale prelude. It is tempting to attribute this piece to Johann Heinrich…

Anonymus (Johann Michael Bach?), Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (1)
Five of the pieces in the Neumeister manuscript are without a named composer. Based on stylistical grounds and on references to other sources two of…

Anonymus (Johann Michael Bach?), Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (2)
Five of the pieces in the Neumeister manuscript are without a named composer. Based on stylistical grounds and on references to other sources two of…

Anonymus (Johann Pachelbel?), Christ lag in Todesbanden
Five of the pieces in the Neumeister manuscript are without a named composer. Based on stylistical grounds and on references to other sources two of…

Anonymus (Johann Pachelbel?), Was mein Gott will, das gescheh allzeit
Five of the pieces in the Neumeister manuscript are without a named composer. Based on stylistical grounds and on references to other sources two of…

Anonymus (Kirchhoff?), Ciaconna “Jesus Christus unser Heiland, der von uns”
Manuscript Mus ms 40037, owned by the Staatsbibliothek Berlin, contains 5 chorale preludes to "Jesus Christus, under Heiland, der von uns". Three of…

Anonymus (Kirchhoff?), Ciaconna “Jesus Christus unser Heiland, der von uns” (2)
Manuscript Mus ms 40037, owned by the Staatsbibliothek Berlin, contains 5 chorale preludes to "Jesus Christus, under Heiland, der von uns". Three of…

Anonymus (Zachow?), Heut triumphiret Gottes Sohn
In Neumeister's manuscript the prelude to "Heut triumphiret Gottes Sohn" follows immediately after the prelude to "Wie schön leuchtet der…

Anonymus, Aus tiefer Noth
Like I wrote yesterday, Manuscript Mus Ms 30439 owned by the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin is, despite the bad shape it is in, an interesting manucript.…

Anonymus, Christ unser Herr, zum Jordan kam
The choral prelude on "Christ unsr Herr zum Jordan kam" is a manualiter piece. Again, as far as I can tell it is not published before. Relatively…

Anonymus, Da Jesu an dem Kreuze stund
The choral prelude on "Da Jesu an dem Kreuze stund" is again of an unknwon composer. As with the other anonymus pieces from this manuscript, the…

Anonymus, Du Friedenfurst Herr Jesu Christ (variationen)
The seventh piece of the second fascicle of manuscript Mus. Ms 30439 is a set of variations on "Du Friedenfurst Herr Jesu Christ". Again there is no…

Anonymus, Fuga Colorata
Almost three years a go I created a publication containing all organ works by Simon Lohet (Loxhay) (c. 1550 – 1611), a Flemish composer, possibly…

Anonymus, Fuga Es dur
I am always intruiged by pieces whose composer is unknown. This fugue in E flat major is one such piece. The manuscript I transcribed it from is…

Anonymus, Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet
This is the second piece of manuscript Mus ms 30439 I do not know the composer of. Again, it is a beautifull choral prelude by someone who clearly…

Anonymus, Herr durch deinen heiligen Leichnam
The fourth piece of the second fascicle of manuscript Mus. Ms 30439 has the incipit "2. Verso Herr durch deinen heiligen Leichnam". It is the second…

Anonymus, Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
Update, 4 sep 2018: The piece turns out to be (probably) by Johann Ludwig Krebs. See the new publication. I keep this post, to redirect visitors to…

Anonymus, Jesus Christus, unser Heiland
The manuscript with the designation "KN 209", owned bij the Ratsbücherei, Lüneburg, is written in German organ tablature and is one of the most…

Anonymus, Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
The fourteenth piece from Mus Ms 30439 is again of an unknown composer. It is a beautiful choral prelude, perhaps the best one of the 16 pieces. I…

Anonymus, Mit Fried und Freud, ich fahr dahin
The eighth piece of the second fascicle of manuscript Mus. Ms 30439 is a fantastic prelude on "Mit Fried und Freud, ich fahr dahin". The procedure is…

Anonymus, Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist
This is the third of the unedited anonymus choral preludes from manuscript KN 209, owned owned by the Ratsbücherei in Lüneburg I have the privilige…

Anonymus, O Herre Gott, begnade mich
This is the fourth of the unedited anonymus choral preludes from manuscript KN 209, owned owned by the Ratsbücherei in Lüneburg I have the…

Anonymus, Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
The manuscripts of Johann Gottfried Walther are a valuable source for compositions of his contemporaries. His transcriptions are very precise and on…

Anonymus, Wie soll ich dich empfangen
Another piece Walther left without composer in his manuscripts. Walther writes "Hautbois" where the choral melody enters. Writing music for the…

Anonymus, Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt sein Günst
The sixth piece of the second fascicle of manuscript Mus. Ms 30439 is again of unknown origin. But in form it is very similar to "Herr, durch deinen…

Georg Wilhelm Saxer, Fuge, F Dur
Besides the works attributed to a composer, the Leipziger manuscript with signature Becker II.2.51 preserves two preludes and fugues and two fugues…

Georg Wilhelm Saxer, Praeludium und Fuge, B Dur
Besides the works attributed to a composer, the Leipziger manuscript with signature Becker II.2.51 preserves two preludes and fugues and two fugues…

H.M.T., Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
This is the fifth of the unedited anonymus choral preludes from manuscript KN 209, owned owned by the Ratsbücherei in Lüneburg I have the privilige…

Johann Adam Hiller (?), 6 Trio’s: nr 1
The Sibelius academy hosts a vast collection of manuscripts, some of which are available online. One of these manuscripts contains organ music by an…

Johann Adam Hiller (?), 6 Trio’s: nr 2
For an explanation for the ascription to Johann Adam Hiller, read here. The recording was done on the sample set of the Müller-organ in the Sint…

Johann Adam Hiller (?), 6 Trio’s: nr 3
For an explanation for the ascription to Johann Adam Hiller, read here. The recording was done on the sample set of the Müller-organ in the Sint…

Johann Adam Hiller (?), 6 Trio’s: nr 4
For an explanation for the ascription to Johann Adam Hiller, read here. The recording was done on the sample set of the Müller-organ in the Sint…

Johann Adam Hiller (?), 6 Trio’s: nr 5
For an explanation of the ascription to Johann Adam Hiller, read here. The recording was done on the sample set of the Müller-organ in the Sint…

Johann Adam Hiller (?), 6 Trio’s: nr 6
For an explanation for the ascription to Johann Adam Hiller, read here. The recording was done on the sample set of the Müller-organ in the Sint…

Johann Adam Hiller (?), Sei Lob und Ehr dem höchsten Gut
There remain two pieces to be published from the manuscript that contains the 6 Organ Trios. Initially I thought the remaining pieces were chorale…

Johann Adam Hiller (?), Without title (Trio 7)
There remain two pieces to be published from the manuscript that contains the 6 Organ Trios. Initially I thought the remaining pieces were chorale…

Wilhelm Karges (?), Fantasia in D
[update, 21-03-2021] I finally deduced what the meaning is of this sign: It signifies a repeat. That means that in this particular piece there…

Wilhelm Karges, Fantasia in A (2)
The next composition in manuscript Am.B. 340 (after the Fantasia in G, published last week) is again an anonymous composition and I do not know on…

Wilhelm Karges, Fantasia in D
The Fantasia in D, written on folio 25 of manuscript Am.B 340 is again an anonymous work. It is again an Echo Fantasia and has many similarities with…
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