Josef Ferdinand Norbert Seger, Prælude, B Dur (L 13)
Seger’s prelude in B flat major (L 13) is very similar to the prelude of the same tonality that precedes it in the manuscript (L 12). This prelude could probably be played with the...
Seger’s prelude in B flat major (L 13) is very similar to the prelude of the same tonality that precedes it in the manuscript (L 12). This prelude could probably be played with the...
Oley’s prelude to the chorale “Danket dem Herren” is a densely written manualiter piece with the chorale melody in a canon in the fourth. Oley really liked canons, though I tend to think that...
In 1787 Rembt published 12 Trios for organ. Manuscript Ec 268.5, held by the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Bonn, contains 6 of these 12 Trios.The second of these six is a trio in G major....
The choral “O jesu du mein Bräutigam” has the same melody as the choral “Herr Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht”. Oley writes a manualiter piece with the choral melody in canon between the soprano...
The first fantasia quinti toni from manuscript Becker II 51 a single theme, though the composition is clearly divided into three sections. The theme of the piece is introduced in the tenor voice, and...
Manuscript Ec 266.1.2, held by the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Bonn, is the source of a few more choral preludes by Johann Christoph Oley that I have not published before. The first of these from...
The next two preludes from manuscript Becker III.8.63, held by the Städtische Bibliotheken Leipzig, share the same tonality, b flat major. The first of these two, publshed here today, has an introduction of 7...
Oley’s prelude to the choral “Wunderbarer König” is written for organ and oboe. In real life it would be difficult to play this composition as one person, but thanks to software it is indeed...
Johann Ernst Rembt (1749-1810) was a German composer and organist who lived during the Classical period. He was born in 1749, although the exact date and place of his birth are not known. He...
Oley wrote two short preludes to the chorale “Christus der ist mein Leben”. They are too short to publish seperately, so here they are together. The first one features the chorale melody in the...
The 13 fantasias in manuscript Becker II 51, owned by the Leipziger Stadtbibliothek, are left without indication of a composer in the manuscript. Nevertheless, some researchers attribute the fantasias in Becker II 51 to...
Oley’s prelude to the choral “Aus tiefer Noth, ruf ich zu dir” features the chorale melody in the tenor voice. The other voices play an accompaniment of which the main motif is derived from...
Playing a composition by Seger brings the question whether or not to play it with the pedals or without. The pedal board of Seger’s organ in the Týn Church in Prague had in his...
In 2015 and 2016 I published over 20 chorale preludes composed by Johann Christoph Oley (1738 – 1789) and created an edition that contained them all ( Recently I found a manuscript (Ec 266.1.1...
It is already almost a year ago I published something in the series of spurious Bach compositions (see here:…tt-bwv-anh-ii-69/). The next in line is this little fugue about the first fe notes of...