Christian Heinrich Rinck, Trio E dur op. 20 nr 9
This is the third score Benjamin Intartaglia contributes to this site. Rinck’s E major Trio from his opus 20 is again a lovely Trio. A bit more difficult than the C major and f minor one, but very nice to play. If you like the score, visit Benjamin’s website and drop him a thank you.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Holzey organ of St. Peter and Paul in Weissenau by Prospectum.
Echo: Nachthorn 8′, Dulciana 8′, Vox Humana 8′ B+D
HW: Copel 8′, Gamba 8′
Ped: Subbas 16′, Violonbass 8′
Rinck, Trio E dur
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