Ernest Grosjean, Marche
Ernest Grosjean (1844 – 1936) published “Pièces pour orgue ou harmonium”, a set of 56 pieces in two volumes, in 1902. The first volume contains 33 easy pieces, that can be played without the use of pedals. The Marche as music for organ seems to be a French invention. Lefebure-Wely wrote several famous examples. The use of a Marche in liturgy seems a bit odd. Perhaps it was meant as accompaniment of a procession. Or just as a festive piece to play after service. Grosjean’s Marche is not too difficult, yet lends itself very well for Grand Orgue. To give it extra punch in my performance I double some of the bass notes with the pedals.
The recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset, made by Voxus, of the Stahlhuth/Jahn organ in the St. Martin’s church, Dudelange.
GrosJean, Marche
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