Johann Christian Kittel, Fuga a 3 Voce, c moll
In the years around 1770 a little tradition developed in Berlin to compose and publish small collections of manual fugues, that could either be played on the organ or on the harpsichord. Examples of these collections exist from Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, Carl Philip Emanuel Bach, Johann Christoph Kellner and Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, amongst others. A similar collection, composed by Johann Christoph Kittel can be found in Manuscript Mus ms Bach P287, owned by the Staatbibliothek zu Berlin. In these fugues Kittel show himself to be an able contrapuntician though not nearly as compenent as Back of Krebs. The fugues are a bit stiff, simple in form and harmony, yet are very nice to play.
The recording was done with the sampleset of the Onderhorst Kabinetorgel in Bennekom. I did not use the extension, so it could be played like this on the real organ.
Kittel, Fuga a 3 Voce, c moll
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