Johann Sebastian Bach (?), O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde gross, BWV Anh. II 61
The Anhang II of Schmieder’s catalogue of Bach’s composition contains the spurious works. Number 61 of these is a chorale prelude on the melody of “O Mensch bewein dein Sünde groos”. The melody of the choral is played in the Pedal and the hand play a two part accompaniment in a lively 16th notes texture. The same technique is used several times by Johann Michael Bach and Johann Pachelbel. Indeed, a variant setting of this composition is transmitted in another manuscript under the name of Johann Pachelbel. The attribution to Bach could therefore be mistaken. On the other hand, it is equally possible that Bach took a Pachelbel composition (the version from the other manuscript) and reworked it, resulting in the version published here today. We’ll probably never know.
The recording was done with the sample set of the Silbermann organ of the Stadtkirche Zöblitz by Prospectum.
Bach, O Mensch bewein dein Sünde gross (BWV Anh II 61)
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