Peter Hasse, Præambulum pedaliter
Peter Hasse (1586 – 1640) was a German organist and composer. His three surviving organ works are found in manuscripts alongside compositions by Sweelinck and his known pupils such as Andreas Düben, Samuel and Gottfried Scheidt, Paul Siefert and Melchior Schildt. It is therefore believed Hasse was a pupil of Sweelinck as well. In 1616 Hasse became organist at the Marienkirche in Lübeck, a post later held by Buxtehude. Hasse remained the organist of the Marienkirchew till his death in 1640.
One of Hasse’s three surviving organ works appear in manuscript Lynar B3. It is a joyfull composition, more homophonic in character than polyphonic. The figurations of some of the compositions by Seelinck are recognizable in Hasse’s composition, thus lending credibility to the supposition Hasse was ons of Sweelinck’s pupils.
The recording was done on the sampleset, made by Voxus, of the Matthijs van Deventer-orgel in the Grote Kerk, Nijkerk.
Hasse, Praeludium pedaliter
Hasse, Praeludium pedaliter
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