Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio Sexti Toni
Karges’ Capricio Sexti Toni is based on Scherer’s Intonatio Tertia Tertii Toni and Intonatio Quarta Tertii Toni.
Karges uses only the first 12 bars of Scherer’s Intonatio Tertia Tertii Toni and skips the remaining 6 bars. It is not clear why he does that. The Intonatio Quarta Tertii Toni is almost used in full, only the last bar is changed a bit by Karges. Scherer ends his Intonatio in the mode it is written in (with an a major chord), Karges ends his adaptation on the dominant, with an e major chord. He does that because he adds a third movement, with a ternary rythm. This third movement is based on an adaptation of the theme of the second movement of this composition. For this third movement no model in Sherer’s Intonitio’s is known, so I assume Karges wrote it himself.
The manuscript source is not complete for this composition. The final bars are missing. They are easy to fill in though. In other Capricio’s Karges ends an episode that is written in a ternary rythm always with a few bars with a binary rythm. To complete this composition I copied the last three bars of Karges’Ricercar in g. Of course, anyone is free to create any ending he or she likes.
The recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradisi, of the Hinsz organ in the Reformed church in the Midwolda (http://www.sonusparadisi.cz/en/organs/netherlands/midwolda-surround-sample-set.html).
Karges (scherer), Capricio Sexti Toni
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