Christian Geist, O Jesu Christ som mandom tag
The second chorale prelude by (presumebly) Christian Geist in the Uppsala manuscript uses the melody Wolfgang Dachstein wrote for “Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu Dir”. It is a fine example of the Northern German organ style. If anyone would have told me it was written by Buxtehude, I would probably have believed him.
In the score I made a few alterations that are not in the manuscript. The manuscript seems to me like a transcription itself of an older source. It contains some errors that are already corrected in the manuscript (for example pedal part of bar 17). But perhaps it contains a few other errors as well. It’s tricky to deviate from one’s source, but I choose to do it anyway, in the cases I think to be errors in the manuscript. I indicated my alterations in the score, so anyone can play what is written in the manuscript.
The original is written in tablature. For my transcription I use the alto clef for the left hand part, since I think that is the best choice. That way almost no additional lines are necessary. But for those who can’t read the alto clef I made an additional version, using both treble and bass clef. The result is visually not as pleasing, but I hope it helps more people to be able to play this piece.
The recording was done on the sample set of the Holzey organ of St. Peter and Paul in Weissenau by Prospectum.
Geist, O Jesu Christ sommerdom tag
Score (non alto)
Geist, O Jesu Christ sommerdom tag nonalto
Views: 21