Wilhelm Karges, Sebastian Anton Scherer, Capricio in C
Karges’ Capricio in C is based on Scherer’s Intonatio Secunda Quindi Toni. The capricio consists of three segments and only the middle one is a citation of Scherer’s composition.
Karges adds an introduction, that could well be called a prelude. Scherer’s Intonatio functions as the first fugue. And Karges add’s a second fugue, with a theme that is derived from the theme of the forst fugue. This fugue has no pendant in Scherer’s publication, so I presume Karges wrote it himself. By adding a second fugue in ternairy rythm Karges creates a piece that follows the mold of most of the Caprici he compiled using Scherer’s music as a basis: a short prelude, followed by two fgugati, the first in binary rythm, the second in ternary rythm, with a short conclusion of two or three bars in again binary rythm.
These are very practical compositions for use in service or even to use in a concert. They are mostly well written, pleasant to listen to and not too difficult.
The recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradisi, of the Hinsz organ in the Reformed church in the Midwolda .
Karges (Scherer), Capricio in C
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